The Television Will Not Be Revolutionized."

The Television Will Not Be Revolutionized."

Monday, July 6, 2015

Crime Detection Tips.

For all his canny and uncanny intuitions, Phil Columbo could solve the crimes a lot easier than people think.* Any and every time a murder occurs, he interviews those eccentric individuals who happen to be close to the victim. Strange satellites orbiting the corpse. As soon as Columbo finds his investigation being unduly challenged or perversely obstructed, even hindered, by one of those people close to the deceased, he has his man –– or woman.

Oftentimes it's a woman.

Who in real life would enthusiastically challenge the assumptions of the homicide detective on duty? Who would painstakingly try to lead the bumbling slewfoot agley? If you were innocent you'd stay  out of it wouldn't you. You wouldn't want to take up valuable time out of your life getting involved in morbidity. You'd get on with the job of living life.  If Columbo asked you something requiring your personal conjecture about the circumstances of the crime, you would shrug and say "I dunno. Whaddaya want. Christ sake you're the cop not me babe." You would not go to unusual lengths to conspicuously try to lead the police detective lieutenant off on a wild goose chase inducing him to believe a particular, often quite far-fetched, hypothesis. The only person who would waste time and energy doing that would be a very guilty person with a stake in the game. I mean a very obvious, singularly self-interested person, that is to say, the killer.

Crimes-olving [sic] is easy when you follow this simple Dick Tracy set-up.

* There is a legend, albeit it is a disgusting hoax, that Columbo's first name is "Philip." Incidentally, Columbo revealed to no less than Frank Sinatra his wife's first name in the course of a televised roast. Mrs. Columbo's first name, he said, is Rose.

Speaking of Frank, somebody on IMDB claims that the name "Frank" is "clearly visible" on Columbo's ID in two early episodes.

Has anybody commented on the irrefragable fact that Morse stole shamelessly from Columbo the motif of the slew foot with the unrevealed (forbidden) forename?

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