The Television Will Not Be Revolutionized."

The Television Will Not Be Revolutionized."

Monday, April 27, 2015

"Columbo: Klaus Kinski is Still The King."

Columbo. That game of cat and mouse... where the cat always loses!
The cat gets sent to the electric chair!

I have been watching Columbo, and I thought it only proper and right to mention this one episode that had the short German from Jules et Jim in it as the killer. 

I'm waiting for Klaus Kinski to show up in an episode as a backgammon grandmaster posing as a snaggletoothed harelipped drifter. 

Klaus Kinski as a bug-eyed bozo from Jabba's sail barge or the cantina scene. 

Klaus Kinski as Greedo

[In the ravaged voice of TRAILER GUY:] Klaus Kinski is: BosskA twelve-foot tall surly alien bounty hunter the color and consistency of peanut-butter diarrhea with all the personality of that universally-reviled medium. Who killed Han Solo? Who framed Jabba? Leave it to Columbo to work it out in his inimitable bumbling fucking way! 

Another episode you could have Jean-Louis Trintignant. 

(Did you ever see him with Kinski in The Great Silence?) 
Lino Ventura. 
Robert Ryan. 
Phillipe Noiret. 
Pier Paolo Pasolini.
Michael Lonsdale playing Boyd Rice.

[TRAILER GUY:] "Peg Bundy" is Lisa Carver in a Hallmark miniseries: The Suckdog Story. 

There was a Columbo with Vincent Price on it in which he wasn't even the killer. Like in Laura. Imagine that, having Vincent Price and then you have the supreme dandyish audacity, or perversity, or luxurious airiness, to not have him be the killer. 

The Producer goes, "We just keep him around for the lurid local color." 
"We kind of like to keep him around for various reasons mostly pertaining to variously yucks and chuckles." 

Like Patrick McNee in that episode that took place on the cruise ship. The killer that week was Robert Vaughn from The Man From UNCLE. "Pat" was just there to enjoy the cruise I think and pop on the captain's cap when needed and put in the odd scene of support acting ("mentoring") when required. He was there, I think, to steer the ship through the "narrows".

This episode I'm watching now has acclaimed nutburger and indomitable scenery-destroyer-and-devourer, and did I mention that he is a magnificent marvelous thespian, THE LATE JACK CASSIDY, as an ex-Nazi stormtrooper, a stage magician and BTW the killer. 

This man was David Cassidy's outhouse rat of a father. Great classic dissipated Hollywood type. Terrific delineator of dissipated outhouse rats.  Look up his online bio sometime for a transient experience of shapeless, aimless ("shameless") shambling pleasure. It could be it's the greatest story ever told. Guy's that rare thing a great actor. 

He once played the role of the even greater (y mas muy loco) JACK BARRYMORE, A.K.A. "The Profile". He (JACK CASSIDY) was himself in turn portrayed by the sometimes-great (sometimes not) MALCOLM McDOWELL in a made-for-TV Hallmark movie about the life of (no not Lisa Suckdog) his son DAVID CASSIDY. Those must have been the lean years, the desolate years of hard-fought alimonies, for McDowell. Before Entourage. Before he got to share screen time with Jeremy Piven

PIVEN that large wig with a small man underneath it!

PIVEN that swaggering toupee, that large false aegis over a pee-wee personality.
JERMEY PIVEN says: "It's not a toupee. It's really not. It's plugs. I had mercury poisoning. My life was at stake and I got plugs."

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